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It's a Biker's Heaven at The Rock Store

A Great Place to Go On Your Bike:
If you're a motorcyclist in Southern California, you've got to check out The Rock Store. It's one of the most famous motorcyclist hangouts in the world.

Where It Is:
The Rock Store is located in Malibu Canyon along the famous Mulholland Highway, halfway between the cities of Malibu and Calabasas.
Why We Think It's Cool:
Originally a stage coach stop from the 1910's with a building made entirely out of the volcanic rock, the location was purchased by Ed and Vern (Veronica) Savko in 1961. They turned this "Rock Store" into a small grocery, and over the years it grew into a restaurant and major hangout for motorcycle enthusiasts.

Many consider it a place for the "who's who" of motorcyclists from all walks of life, including many celebrity riders. It has attracted the likes of Harrison Ford, Billy Idol, John Traolta, Jay Leno, Steve McQueen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Eddie Van Halen and many others.

The Los Angeles Times has called it " of best-known biker pit stops in the world" and the "Mecca of motorcycles."

The Wall Street Journal has referred to it as "...a celebrity hangout where Hollywood's motorcycle riders like to congregate."

But the biggest reason we think this is a must-see location can probably best be summed up by mountain biking journalist and motorcycle enthusiast, Zapata Espinoza, who once wrote that The Rock Store was a "...humble but infamous hangout...a wonderful collection of humanity and two wheels where diversity isn't just tolerated, it's celebrated." It is a truly fun experience to see so many types of bikes and riders in one spot.

Also, The Rock Store is a fantastic place in nature where riders can get away from the city on their bike without having to ride too far. It's perfect for a day ride. Go for drinks, BBQ, people-watching, and occasional live music.

The Rock Store
30354 Mulholland Highway (between Malibu Canyon/Las Virgenes Road and Kanan Road)
Cornell, California 91301

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